
September at the Ranch

By Arden Foster on March 16th, 2019

All summer long, there’s the sound of happy kids’ feet running on the porch, the echoes of childish laughter in the aspen groves, and the thrilled splashings from the pool.  There are the “Hey Howdy Heys” ringing down from Charity, the huge rocky outcrop behind the lodge, as teens make new friends and find delight in the early morning hike.  Hearing it all, you can’t help but smile!  We love the energy that families bring to the ranch.  We love the magic of seeing kids and teens discover the west, discover nature, discover that they can have fun without their phones…

Then comes the end of August, and they all have to go back to school. The ranch goes quiet. And suddenly, we are in our adults only time, four weeks from the end of August to the third week of September.  But it has its own kind of magic.

What’s so special about our adults only time?

The pace at the ranch relaxes a bit.  No kids’ programs, no teen program, no ranch rodeo.  Without kids we are full at half capacity, and this means a more intimate atmosphere.  It means getting to know each other really well.  It means long, quiet fireside conversations, fun game nights in the lodge, working the puzzle in the library, and quiet mornings on the grand old porch. 

But it still means great rides, spectacular fishing, delicious cookouts, hayrides, dance nights, and the chance of laughing about new memories.  It still means forming lifelong friendships. It still means having a great time in the southern Rockies in our magic little part of Colorado.

And, if we are lucky, the aspens begin to change, creating a patchwork of greens and golds on the mountainsides.

Rainbow Trout is all of this.  And more.

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